After the bitters lecture I raced downtown for Afternoon Punch at the Dead Rabbit, hosted by Imbibe Magazine.
Imbibe is a great magazine about drinking – every time I pick it up I think “I should read this more often.” The Dead Rabbit is – straight up – one of the best cocktail bars in the world. It has a ground floor taproom for beer and casual drinking, and an amazing cocktail den on the second floor that specializes in 19th Century cocktails. But this event…
They were serving “Spider Punch,” from an 1869 recipe book (“Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks). It’s made with No. 3 London Dry Gin, Prado Pastis, bitters, lemon juice, lemon sherbet, lemon liqueur, and green tea, but I don’t know the proportions, and if you Google it you come up with a bunch of Halloween recipes, so you’ll just have to go to the bar it for yourself. Anyway, it made for a relaxing afternoon, and I had several glasses: